
Noisy Nora

It was so much fun teaching after taking the fall off to have a baby. These Busy Bees are so precious and eager. The first day, we only had Luke, Trevor, and Meggie, as the others were sick. We really missed our other friends. Nora watched for the first few minutes, then took a nap for the rest of the time.

After we read our book, Noisy Nora (we substituted the word "loud" for "dumb", just in case you are worried that we taught your kids how to call names,) we talked about how Nora felt. We talked about being part of a family. All of these kids are middle kids, except Luke, who will soon be one, so we talked about what that is like and how sometimes we have to wait for our parents. Then we looked at the pictures again and said how we thought Nora felt about waiting. She was "mad", "sad", and "didn't want to wait."   We talked about using our words when we feel like that instead of being naughty or noisy, like Nora was.  Then we played Hide & Seek, since Nora hides toward the end of the book. It was so fun to help them play.
 Here is Luke, counting to 10 three times.
 Trevor was "it" next.
 Here are Margaret & Trevor finding Luke behind the drapes in my bedroom.
 After recess and snack, we colored the letter N and then made Noodle Necklaces.

 The kids all said that they were making the Letter N for their mommies, but they were keeping the necklaces for themselves! So cute to listen to them talk while they worked.
 On Thursday, we had Stewart and Ava with us as well. We taught them the Three Blind Mice Song that we learned on Tuesday (our number was 3, since Nora's family had 3 children). Here they are singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. Trevor did not want to sing for the camera. :)
 After we read Noisy Nora again, we talked about noisy and quiet. I showed them about a dozen stuffed animals and they helped me sort them as either noisy or quiet animals. Then we practiced being as quiet as can be, followed by being very noisy. We passed out noisy things and made some noise together. Here they are making noise.
 During outside play time, Luke begged for the light sabers, so the boys dueled. I was worried it might get out of hand, but it did not.

 Instead of a craft, we did a science experiment. In the book, Nora drops her sister's marbles on the kitchen floor. We each took a handful of marbles and dropped them on the hardwood, the stone, and the carpet. We discussed how each sounded and how much the marbles rolled around or scattered on each surface. They loved this experiment and thankfully, I had enough of the jumbo marbles for each Busy Bee to hold one of them along with the regular sized marbles, because that turned out to be very important to them!

 Here is our journal "story" of the day's events.
 Book Look. I love how much they love this part of the day.

Hurry back to our house, Busy Bees! We had so much fun together!

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