To be honest, I had a great but challenging time this week. I had it easy on Monday- with only 6 Busy Bees. It was great to put all the preparation into action and be "teacher" again. I really enjoy your kiddos. Monday's are always easier as the kids are in a new place with new things and a new teacher. Wednesday they are used to you, the new place and new things and are a little bit more challenging. That is a brief synopsis of "how it went." Here are some details (but not in order on the daily schedule):
I really enjoyed reading and preparing things for The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The kids loved the book too. We re-told the story on a felt board and each Busy Bee had a chance to put up pieces as we read it. They loved it.
What Trevor does after everyone signs in. I will make a plug now: whoever would just loooove to take my son off my hands during pre-school, I will be your best friend forever.
Ryder was creative during outside play and rallied a few to do a puppet show behind the slide.
Emily (Ryder's big sister) was a HUGE help to me this week! (Thank you!) The kids absolutely loved her. Here Sydney and Bronwen take turns at tracing her with chalk. They needed her to lift her head when tracing. :)
Insisting on all sitting at the same dinky table during snack!
This is a math lesson we all did together. We used dot-dot paints to put as many dots on the caterpillar as the number said.
Center time! I think this is the kids favorite part of the day. Noah was really into the little science center- figuring out what stuck to magnets and looking up close with a magnifying glass.
Checking out Emily's eye.....
Sorting bears into cups
Magnet letters. Ryder has a charming smile!
Craft time!- We painted egg carton caterpillars on Monday and butterflies on Wednesday. Paint is ALWAYS a hit.
Calli mixes her paint to make new colors. Impressive butterfly!
And lastly, book look. These 4 boys get along great with each other.
All in all, a great week!